Guru's Talk

Guru's Talk

Radiating Light Invocation

Guru's Talk

(By Living Buddha Lian-Sheng, Sheng-Yen Lu)
(Translated by Peng Eng Lee, PhD. Edited by TBN)

Somebody once asked me: "How does one invoke all the Buddhas and deities in the tantric practice?"

I replied, "We use the invocation mudra and chant the invocation mantra. First, the cultivator should recite the names of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, then visualize the three jewels appearing in the empty space, surrounded by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the ten directions appearing in golden forms, sitting on lotus thrones, and profusely radiating light."

"Is there any inherent secret phrase in the invocation?"

"Yes," I answered. "For example, the inherent secret phrase for invoking my personal deity, that is, Amitabha, is called "Radiating Light Invocation." Visualize in the middle of your heart chakra is Amitabha's seed syllable "Shri", radiating three beams of red light which travel through the middle channel of your body and leave your crown chakra to shine upward into the empty space. Amitabha will respond instantly and will descend.

Another secret is for the cultivator to use the vajra hook mudra to invoke the deity. The cultivator has to visualize the hook being hitched to the clouds of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and then they will definitely descend.

Similarly, in other forms of invocations, the cultivator can:

Visualize a lotus throne rising to welcome the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas;

Visualize the Buddhas' and Bohdhisattvas' celestial clothing moving as they descend;

Visualize the graceful glide of the Buddhas' and Bodhisattvas' feet;

Visualize the jewels and other adornments worn by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas moving and tinkling as they descend.

Predominantly, the vital facet in Tantric Buddhism is the "Radiating Light Invocation." The emission of the three lights relies completely on the power from your heart. This also means that your heart is emitting the illuminosity of great light. As long as your heart emits this great light, countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will together radiate lights upon you.

Radiation of lights has vast meanings: sense of enchantment, sense of seeking refuge, sense of realization, sense of offering, sense of good deeds, and sense of abundance dharma. In short, it is the sense of abundance lights.

If you use the power of your heart to send out the "Radiating Light Invocation," all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will definitely descend.



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