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Grand Master Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple Lotus Light Charity Society Golden Mother Yoga True Buddha News
Through caring and learning, We help to build a better tomorrow!

Youth Group

World Vision 30 Hour Famine 2006

Like in the past years, Lotus Light Charity Society will again participate in this year's World Vision 30 Hour Famine.

World Vision

World Vision is Canada's largest relief and development agency, reaching out to the world's neediest children form the Third World Countries.

Youth Group Participants

The Youth Group will encourage family and friends to participate and/or donate to this international Canadian event. Participants will go 30 hours without food. They can drink only water and fruit juices. To create fun and enjoyment for our participants, the LLCS will package a Survival Kit for each person that contains donated juices, famine brochures, and stickers.


April 7 - 8, 2006

Where will the raised funds go?

The money raised from this event will go towards programs that help the children, such as providing healthy food and safe water and raising awareness towards HIV/AIDs.
For more information, please visit http://www.worldvision.ca/wvfamine/live/ or contact LLCS's project coordinators for this event: Edna Wong & Ada Jang.

If you would like to support LLCS Youth Group's fundraising efforts, please donate online at http://www2.worldvision.ca/famine/12790395.

Last Updated: March 24, 2006


Copyright (c)2003 Lotus Light Charity Society. All Rights Reserved.
#200-357, East Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C, Canada, V6A 1P3 Tel:1(604)685-5548 Fax:1(604)685-5598