Remarks by the Honourable Judith Guichon,
Lieutenant Governor of BC
Light Charity Society 2013 Annual World Peace and
Harmony Ceremony
July 20, 2013
Master Lian Tzi, President of Lotus Light Charity
Thank you for the invitation to join you at this
Lotus Light Charity Society's 2013 World Peace and
Harmony Ceremony. I cannot think of any better
reason to get together than to focus on bringing
peace and positive energy to our struggling world.
As one who has lived on and stewarded the land for
40 years, I know that there is nothing in this world
that disrupts agriculture and desecrates the land
like civil unrest and war.
We in Canada and in British Columbia in
particular, are so fortunate that we live in a land
with a long history of peace and good governance.
But around the world there are many who are not as
fortunate as we. In addition, within our own
communities there are many also who struggle just to
meet the daily requirements of food and shelter. It
is wonderful to read that the Lotus Light Charity
Society is an international, non-denominational
charitable organization with chapters around the
world and with a goal to benefit all people. I think
that the motto, “Through caring and learning, we
help to build a better tomorrow” is a wonderful
foundation upon which to build a healthy community.
All of the four areas in which the society is active
are also important supports for strong healthy
communities. Educational advancement, social service
development, medical assistance and cultural
awareness are indeed the areas of social development
that contribute to peace.
The list of organizations which the Lotus Light
Charity Society has supported is long and varied. I
am especially impressed with the annual “Blanket and
Winter Clothing Charity Drive” held every Christmas
for the last 17 years and the distribution of
blankets, sleeping bags and winter clothing to those
who are not as fortunate as the rest of us. It may
seem like a small gesture to those of us who have
never struggled, but on a cold winter night no gift
could be any more welcome along with warm food in
the stomach. These caring donations, along with the
donation of large quantities of rice to food banks,
are the basics that make a difference for so many
around the world who fight just to survive.
Once again thank you for the invitation to join
you today for this World Peace and Harmony Ceremony
and thank you for your support for students through
your Charity Scholarships presented today. It is
wonderful to see organizations such as yours working
with the front line emergency personal who work in
our communities to keep us all safe and to help in
emergency situations. Thank you for all you do to
make this community a gentler, more peaceful
community for all of us.
Last modified July 26, 2013 |