2013 Lotus Light Charity Society Scholarship Award
Light Charity Society 2013 Annual World Peace and
Harmony Ceremony
July 20, 2013
Vancouver, BC. Lotus Light Charity Society
presented the Award to this year recipients on July
20 at Croatian Cultural Centre, Vancouver. Students
and their families and hundreds Lotus Light Charity
Society members attended the presentation at the
12th Annual World Peace and Harmony Ceremony.
Master Lian Tzi, President of Lotus Light Charity
Society presented the award to students. And Her
Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of BC
greeted the recipients personally.
Recipients were excited to be selected by the
prestige award, which recognized academic Excellency
and community volunteer works.
The Charity has been awarding Lotus Light Charity
Society Scholarship to students persuading
post-secondary study since 1993 to promote education
advancement. Each year a couple hundreds students
apply for the award across Canada. Applicants are
assessed by both academic performance and community
volunteer works. The application period are
between March and May.
Last modified July 26, 2013 |