在2016年華光功德會聖誕節慈善晚會上,蓮慈上師親自頒發李木樹紀念獎學金證書給獎學金得主代表,UBC大學藥學系藥物學獎阿麗莎‧郝仁(Alyssa Howren)女士。
醫學獎得主:Touraj Khosravi, (博士2年級)
社會學獎得主:Jake Palmour, (本科3年級) 和Nicole Newton(本科4年級)
藥物學獎得主:Alyssa Howren, (藥物學二年級碩士生)
社會學獎得主Jake B. Palmour以電郵發謝函感謝蓮慈上師:
Dear Master,
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude for receiving the scholarship that you donated to the University of British Columbia.
My studies are the utmost importance to me, and with this award I have been reinvigorated with confidence to continue on with this challenging journey.
I applaud the efforts of your congregation, which will undoubtedly assist in building a better community, and society. Through education we can empower ourselves to promote better outcomes for all.
I hope to repay this generous scholarship after graduation, by working within the community to empower and encourage both Indigenous and non-Indigenous People to follow in the footsteps of community leaders such as your organisation.
Thank you very much.Kind regards,
Jake B. Palmour