Grand Master Lotus Light Charity Society Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple Golden Mother Yoga Chinese Version
Golden Mother Yoga strengthens the body, heals illness, and can add years to your life.
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Yoga Lesson

Saturday 2:00PM -
Lotus Light Lei Zang Si Temple
#200-357, East Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C, Canada, V6A 1P3 
Tel: 1(604)685-5548
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Golden Mother Yoga - Intermediate Class - 3. Sea Lion Body Turns


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Sea Lion Body Turns

Sea Lion Body Turns
(109 sec @28.8kbps)

This exercise improves your circulation system and can also improve your flexibility and strengthen the muscles, ligaments and tendons in your back, waist, legs, shoulders, back, and head. 

I. Opening and Closing the Tail

  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your knees together. Spread your arms out to the sides with your palms flat on the ground.
  2. Inhale deeply, bringing the chi to your dan-tien. Keeping your legs straight, use your abdominal muscles to lift both legs straight up, above your abdominal region.
  3. Keep your left leg still and place the sole of your right foot on the left shin. Your right leg should be directly over your left leg. This is called the “close tail” position.
  4. Hold your breath, then slowly lower the left leg down to the ground and extend the right leg straight up, forming a ninety-degree angle. This is called the “open tail” position.  Holding your breath, “close the tail” by raising the left leg straight up and placing the sole of the right foot back on the left shin. Repeat the “open tail” and close tail” positions two more times, then exhale.
  5. Repeats steps 1 to 3 with the left sole on top of the right shin.


  • inhale when closing the tail
  • hold your breath when opening the tail
  • when you open the tail, your legs should be fully extended as you spread them apart

II. Fanning the Tail from Side to Side

  1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and your knees together. Spread your arms out to the sides with your palms flat on the ground.
  2. Raise your right leg, keeping it straight, without bending the knee. Grasp the toes of your right foot with your right hand (from the top of the foot), keeping your arm straight.
  3. Inhale and hold the breath.  While holding the toes of the right foot, swing the right leg to the right side and touch the heel to the ground, then, without stopping, lift the foot again and swing it across to your left side until the heel touches the ground. Keep your leg and arm as straight as possible. Continue the swinging motion, to the left and right sides, touching your heel to the ground each time. Repeat the movement two more times, then exhale.
  4. Change sides (i.e., grasp toes of left foot with left hand) and repeat the movements in steps 2 and 3.


  • hold your breath when swinging your leg
  • the swinging motion should be slow, smooth, and steady
  • keep the legs and arms as straight as possible
  • keep the resting leg straight and still on the floor when the other leg is swinging from side to side

III. Tangling the Fins

  1. Lie on your right side, with your right leg flat on the ground, extended straight. Inhale, grasp the outside edge of your left foot with your left hand, then exhale as you pull the foot inward, bending the knee as you do so (the calf of the left leg should be resting on the right hamstring). 
  2. Inhale, hold the breath, then move your left foot/hand in a circular motion three times, with your knee as the centre of the circle.
  3. Keeping your hand on the side of your foot, pull your foot close to your lower abdominal area and press the bent knee as close to the ground as you can. Hold your breath as you apply the pressure on your leg.
  4. Repeat this movement with your other leg.

IV. The Sea Lion Turns Its Body

  1. Lie on your right side with your right leg and arm extended flat on the ground. Your left leg is raised straight up with your left hand grasping the outside edge.
  2. Shift your hand to the inside edge of your foot, exhale, then bend your knee and slowly twist and turn your left leg behind your back.  Keep your right elbow on the ground, turn your head to the right, then put your right hand on your left shoulder. Your chin should be resting on your right shoulder and your upper should be turned to the right as far as possible while keeping your lower body still on the ground.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and hold your breath, then pull your left foot down (palm on the top of the foot) while at the same time lifting your left leg up as high as you can. Your left arm and leg form a bow shape—your arm should be straight, your back should be in a concave shape, your upper body should be lifted off the ground, and your head should be gracefully turning to the right, looking back behind you. You should appear graceful like a mermaid.
  4. Put your right hand back down on the ground, with your arm fully extended. Turn your body and lay on your right side. Inhale and hold your breath. Grasp the ends of the toes of your left leg with your left hand and extend your leg straight up without bending at the knee. Then, pull your left leg forward and let it down on the floor in front of you. Then, relax. 

Repeat the above movements with your other side. Then, relax and lay on your back with your hands and legs spread out.

Edited by Reverend Lian Deng

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#200-357, East Hastings Street, Vancouver, B.C, Canada, V6A 1P3 Tel:1(604)685-5548 Fax:1(604)685-5598