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Lotus Light Donates Candies and Fruit Juice to the Community in Celebration of Halloween

Lotus Light Donates Candies and Fruit Juice to the Community in Celebration of Halloween

On Halloween, October 31, 2023, the Lotus Light Charity Society, in accordance with custom, sent a batch of candies and other goodies like boxed juice to the community center for distribution to children that night.

It is believed that the Halloween tradition originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the Celtic New Year. This festival was typically celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.” The practice of trick-or-treating is said to have been derived from ancient Irish and Scottish customs in the nights leading up to Samhain. In Ireland, “mumming” was the practice of putting on costumes, going door-to-door, and singing songs to the dead, with cakes given as payment. Nowadays, Halloween has become a community celebration, especially enjoyed by children.

Over the past 30 years, the Lotus Light Charity Society has developed numerous programs as part of its mission in Education, Medical Assistance, Social Assistance, and Cultural Awareness to help people in need in the community. These programs include offering ESL classes for new immigrants to Canada, organizing various cultural activities, and community care events to integrate individuals into society. Lotus Light is open to ALL, regardless of race, gender, age, creed, or origin. This year, Lotus Light has achieved the top rank among the top six charities in Vancouver, according to, which assesses Vancouver charities based on Programs and Activities, Accessibility, Variety, and Location.

Currently, Lotus Light is preparing for its annual winter charity event. On December 16, 2023, the “Lotus Light Winter Charity Drive 2023” will distribute 1,000 Care Packages containing food and household supplies to help low-income families and unhoused residents in our community. We welcome monetary and in-kind donations from generous individuals and corporate sponsors from all walks of life to support our program.

You are welcome to join our volunteer ranks to help people in need. For more information about Lotus Light’s activities, please visit our website at, or contact us via phone at 604-685-5548, or email at The Lotus Light Charity Society is a registered charitable organization with government registration number BN 14110-4893-RR0001.


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