Lotus Light Charity Society 30th Year Anniversary

The Lotus Light Charity Society was founded in 1993 by Grand Master Lu, and with Master Lian Tzi as its president, it strove to contribute to the betterment of local communities, as well as make meaning impacts worldwide. Lotus Light involved itself in various spheres – education, medical, social, cultural – and made positive impacts through initiatives like scholarships for students, monetary support for groups such as Doctors Without Borders, food donations towards local food banks and shelters, organizing multicultural events, and hosting ESL classes. Lotus Light has also been actively supporting disaster relief efforts worldwide throughout the years. In recent years, the charity has its focus on trying to alleviate the rampant food insecurity problems in the local community. Many of our current programs ensure that excess food supplies in the market have the chance to be distributed to those who need it, rather than letting it be wasted and thrown into landfills.
Through the decades of service Lotus Light has dedicated to the community, it has cemented itself as one of the social and cultural pillars within the local community. Many notable figures have praised Lotus Light’s activities, and some have joined Lotus Light in their large annual events to celebrate the charity’s success and the spirit of community caring. On Lotus Light Community Caring Day 2023, we celebrated Lotus Light Charity Society’s 30th anniversary, with attendees including MP Jenny Kwan, Deputy Mayor Peter Meiszner, and City Councillors Sarah Kirby-Yung and Lenny Zhou.

“I remember early on when I was first elected… we were exploring how we can support the community,” said MP Jenny Kwan. “I was touched then, and I continue to be impressed by [Lotus Light’s] ongoing commitment to care. And this is what this event is all about. And not just this event or their winter events, but every single day.”

“It’s a real honour to be here, and thank you so much to the Society for all the amazing work that you have been doing for the past 30 years in the community,” said Deputy Mayor Peter Meiszner.
Lotus Light would also like to give their heartfelt thanks to all the community partners, corporations, and volunteers who have supported Lotus Light’s charitable activities throughout the years. We could not have accomplished as much as we have without your help.
Notable Achievements
Acknowledgement of Our Contributions
Programs Highlights
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lotus Light has collaborated with food banks, food warehouses, food producers, distribution groups, as well as neighborhood associations. Through these collaborations, we have provided over 500,000 pounds of essential food to low-income communities severely affected by the pandemic in the Greater Vancouver area. This relief project has benefited tens of thousands of immigrant workers and their families, elderly individuals living alone, new refugees, the unemployed, and other vulnerable groups.
In its 28th year, Lotus Light has partnered with community organizations such as the Vancouver Police Department’s Homeless Outreach Program, the BC Ambulance Service Center, temporary winter shelters, and several charities serving low-income families. Together, we distributed over 600,000 items of cold weather supplies, food, and daily necessities.
In the July of 2017, the government proclaimed the inception of “Lotus Light Community Caring Day,” and July 2023 marks the seventh anniversary. The event provides free lunch, clothing, food items, dried fruits, and daily necessities to community members. In total, we have distributed over 200,000 pieces of food items and supplies.
In response to the increasing food needs among vulnerable groups in the DTES (Downtown Eastside) community during the pandemic, the Lotus Light Charity Kitchen was established. Since the start of the pandemic, we have prepared and delivered 30,000 free hot meals to the homeless and elderly individuals living alone.
Food Recovery Program: In partnership with large food warehouses, grocery stores, and food distribution hubs, Lotus Light provides recovered foods to low-income and single-parent families as well as new immigrant families in the Greater Vancouver area. Since the program’s inception in 2010, over 600,000 lbs of food has been successfully recovered. Lotus Light’s efforts were recognized with a nomination for the “Frontline Impact” award in 2023 by Canada’s largest food rescue organization, Second Harvest.
Children Assistance Plan: This project focuses on inner-city schools with the highest concentration of underprivileged students. Since 2013, the program has provided items like fresh fruits and vegetables, canned goods, personal hygiene products, and gift cards to help impoverished children in inner-city schools. Since 2021, we have donated $20,000 worth of gift cards and 30,000 pounds of various food items.
This initiative consists of two scholarships: the Lotus Light Charity Society Annual Scholarship, which is open to students across the country, and the Mu-Shu Lee Memorial Scholarship, exclusive to students at the University of British Columbia. In total, Lotus Light has supported nearly 300 students that are academically outstanding and financially struggling. Many of these students have actively engaged in volunteer work during and after their studies, contributing positively to society.
Some Community Contributions Outside of Major Programs
Disaster Relief
- 2021: Lotus Light responds to Guyana’s Nationwide Flooding Disaster, donating over 60,000 lbs of alcohol hand sanitizers and antibacterial wet wipes
- 2019: LLCS donated $1,000 to Red Cross Canada to support the “Cyclone Ida Relief”.
- 2017: LLCS held fundraising campaigns for national and international disaster Relief, including “BC Wildfire Relief” and “Mexico Earthquake Relief”.
- 2016: LLCS successfully raised 3,500 new toys, and education materials in Toys for Syrian Refugee Children campaign, organized a warm welcome party for Syrian refugee families and children with a special gift of toys, gifts and household essentials. Over 200 attendees joined the event.
- 2015: The Charity donated $5,000 to support the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams’ Nepal Earthquake Relief Campaign to establish remote clinics in affected areas in Nepal.
- 2013: donated $10,000 worth of medical supplies to Canadian Medical Assistance Teams’ Philippines Typhoon Relief.
- 2011: fundraised $7,000 of emergency Funds to support the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams’ purchase of a water purification unit for a small village affected by the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami disaster and a nuclear crisis.
- 2010: LLCS and partners donated 20,000 Lbs of rice and cash with a total value of $15,000 to “Heat to Heart Haiti” Orphanage in Grand Groave, Haiti for Earthquake Relief.
- 2010: donated $4,000 Earthquake Relief Fund to the earthquake Victims in Yu Shu, Gan Shu, China.
- 2009: donated $7,000 to Taiwan’s Typhoon Morakot Disaster Relief aid efforts.
- 2008: LLCS and partners donated $30,000 to provide homes and shelters for the Sichuan China “512 Earthquake” victims.
- 2006: donated $25,000 US in supporting the “Loving Cement Home Rebuilding” project for the tsunami disaster areas in Indonesia.
- 2006: fundraised $26,000 USD to support the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund to provide disaster relief to areas stricken by Hurricane Katrina.
COVID-19 Programs
- LLCS Mask Drive: donated 25,000 masks to help people in need.
- LLCS Emergency Food Hamper Drive: directly distributed over 60,000 pounds of fresh produce and vegetables, as well as 25,000 pounds of non-perishable food items including canned goods, cookies, energy bars, spaghetti sauce and pastas.
LLCS Extreme Weather Response
- 2022: Donated hot beverages and food to more than 300 people experiencing homelessness in the DTES community.
- 2021: Donated hot beverages and food to more than 400 people experiencing homelessness in the DTES community.
- 2016: donated $10,000 USD to the SYL Foundation, Lotus Scholarship Program 2016-2017 Academic year
- 2014: donated $50,000 USD to the SYL Foundation, Lotus Scholarship Program 2014-2015 Academic year
- 2011: donated $10,000 USD to the SYL Foundation, Lotus Scholarship Fund
- 2010: donated $4,000 to City of Vancouver to rebuild the Ceremony Burners in Mountain View Cemetery
- 2009: donated $1,000 to YWCA Crabtree Corner’s programs to support single mothers, children and families in need in the Downtown Eastside Vancouver.
- 2007: donated $10,000 to PTT Buddhist Society to build Senior Home and Hospice Care Centre.
- 2006: donated $20,000 to Quest Outreach Society to help establish a kitchen facility serving the homeless in Vancouver’s downtown eastside.