Lotus Light annual rice donation was started in 1995, to support local food bank low-income family service program in the community.
rice donated

Lotus Light annual Winter Charity Drive is started in 1995 to raise fund and in-kind donation to help the homeless and low-income families.
winter care items

Lotus Light Emergency Kitchen is established in the spring of 2020 to address the urgent need of vulnerable group in the community.
meals distributed
COVID-19 Community Caring News
LLCS Disaster Relief Events
Thank you for Donating to Cyclone Idai
Dear Master Lian Tzi, Thank you so much for the support of Lotus Light Charity Society Vancouver in making a...
Thank You Certificate Issued by Red Cross for LLCS’s BC Fire Appeal Campaign
[gview file=”http://vllcs.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/LLSV-Thank-You-Certificate-15-August-2017.pdf” height=”600″]...
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Hello there, thank you for visiting Lotus Light Charity Society Vancouver website. We’re located in Downtown Vancouver. Through learning and caring, we help to build a better tomorrow! Please join us to help donate and contrbute in our community.
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Special Thank You To These Sponsors for Making What We Do Possible