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LLCS Programs Social Assistances

LLCS Served May’s Hot Meal for Homeless Program with Supports from Po Kong and Phnom Penh

LLCS Served May’s Hot Meal for Homeless Program with Supports from Po Kong and Phnom Penh

On May 6th, 2017, Lotus Light Charity Society held their monthly “Hot Meals for the Homeless” event at Oppenheimer Park to provide free lunches to the homeless and impoverished residents of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES). In addition to the long-term program facilitators and Oppenheimer Park staff, many new volunteers were present to package, prepare, and serve meals, and just as importantly, to greet those in line with a bright smile and friendly attitude.

For this month’s event, LLCS served Chinese and Cambodian cuisine. Po Kong Vegetarian Restaurant and Phnom Penh Restaurant generously donated fried soya sauce noodles, fried curry vermicelli, fried deluxe mushroom and assorted vegetables, fried enoki with tofu and vegetables, and Cambodian style fried rice. Our long-time sponsors, Terra Bread Bakery and Nester Market, also provided a range of snacks: assorted butter cookies and crackers, caramel popcorn, oatmeal granola bars, trail mix, fresh fruit, and hot chamomile tea. Many people were able to enjoy a delicious lunch at Oppenheimer Park, talking with others under the sunny weather.

The “Hot Meals for the Homeless“ program, initiated by Master Lian Tzi, the president of LLCS (Vancouver), has served more than 6,000 people in the past two years in bringing quality meals every month to those in need. With the support of community sponsors and compassionate volunteers.

LLCS will continue to facilitate the monthly program to help the needy in our community. We welcome donations of any amount to support the lives of our impoverished fellow residents. Donations can be made via PayPal or credit card at our website. Your donation is much appreciated and needed to help us continue offering this widely appreciated program in the community. For more details, feel free to email us at, or call us at 604-685-5548.

(Vancouver Lotus Light Charity Society is a non-profit organization registered with the Government of Canada, registration number: BN14110-4893-RR0001. A tax receipt will be issued for donation amounts that are $20 or over)

Sponsor LLCS Meals for the Homeless Program today!


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