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LLCS present BC Fire Appeal Fund to Red Cross

Lotus Light Charity Society Volunteers present BC Fire Appeal fund to Red Cross

The 2107 BC wild fire becomes the worst on record. The B.C. Wildfire Service confirms the province is experiencing the worst wildfire season on record. Wildfire Service information officer Kevin Skrepnek says an estimated 894,941 hectares of land has been charred in B.C. since April 1. Previous record was set in 1958, when 855,000 hectares burned.


On Aug 11, LLCS volunteers visited the Red Cross Burnaby Office and present the $3,000 fund collected in the BC Fire Appeal campaign, through public fundraising at commercial centers and grocery stores, and through fundraising by volunteers from their friends, coworker and company.

Ms. Christine Kinyanjui, Manager of Corporate & Community Engagement Philanthropy, Red Cross Burnaby, greeted the volunteers, and introduced to volunteers how Red Cross uses fund from public to help the BC Wild Fire victims.

Evacuated people receives a red cross bucket containing fleece blanket, gloves, garbage bags, mop, broom etc to clean their homes when it is safe to return home.  Green cots are placed at stations for evacuees to sleep. One household receives up to $600 for expenses such as hotel food etc. Affected families receive electronic finance support within 2wks from start of a disaster.

There is a call centre mandated by volunteers at office that offers phone supports such as helping families find their members.

Christine thanks LLCS volunteers for their fundraising campaign to help the BC wild fire victims.

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