Lotus Light Charity Supporting Nepal Earthquake Relief Through Canadian Medical Assistance Teams
On April 25, 2015, Nepal suffered a Richter scale 7.8 earthquake, triggering avalanches and massive aftershocks as high as 7.3 Richter scale, killing more than 8,000 people and injuring near 20,000. The Lotus Light Charity Society (“LLCS”) Vancouver chapter is proud to support the deployment of mobile clinics to help the earthquake victims especially those in the remote mountain area, through the Canadian Medical Assistance Teams (“CMAT”), a volunteer-based, non-profit organization.

On May 16, 2015, Master Lian Tzi, president of LLCS Vancouver chapter, presented a $5,000 donation to CMAT representative, Martin Metz, member of the Board of Director of CMAT.

Lotus Light Charity Society has raised $5,000 for CMAT through public fundraising activities with the support of Yao Han Shopping Centre, Richmond, Save On Foods Cambie St and 7th Ave East, Vancouver and Save On Foods Terra Nova Richmond. LLCS continues its appeal to the public for donations to help send urgent medical aid for the Nepal Earthquake Victims.
LLCS has supported CMAT’s humanitarian relief efforts in the past years, including the 2011 Japan Earthquake and 2013 Philippines Hai Yan Typhoon disasters.

LLCS accepts donations in cash, check, credit card or wire transfer. Please make check payable to: Lotus Light Charity Society, Attention: Nepal Earthquake Relief, #200-357 East Hastings St., Vancouver, BC, V6A 1P3, or by online PayPal or credit card donation on the charity web site.
Please contact 604-685-5548, Fax: 604-605-1002, Email: llcsvancouver@gmail.com, Web: www.vllcs.org