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LLCS February “Hot Meals for the Homeless” Program Received the Third Time Support from Pink Pearl Seafood Restaurant

LLCS February “Hot Meal for Homeless” Program Received Support from Pink Pearl Seafood Restaurant the 3rd Time

At 1pm Feburay 25 2017, a chilly afternoon at the Oppenheimer Park, Lotus Light Charity Society held it’s February “Hot Meals for the Homeless” program to help the homeless and impoverished residents in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) community. Over 250 homeless and impoverished in the community enjoyed the free lunches sponsored by Pink Pearl Seafood Restaurant (1132 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1S2) courtesy to restaurant owner Alvin, who showed tremendous generosity in supporting the “Hot Meals for the Homeless” program for the third year.

For the February event, the chef of Pink Pearl prepared 5 different delicious entrees, including: sweet & sour pork on rice, veggies and seafood on rice, green beans & beef on rice and tofu with vegies on rice. The free lunch meals were served with boxed juice sponsored by Save-On-Foods Grandview and cookies and crackers by Nesters Market Yaletown, along with fresh brewed hot tea and chips.

It’s near the end of February, but the temperature was still in the lower single digit, and Vancouverites were expecting another overnight late spring snow. More than a dozen warm hearted LLCS volunteers, with many new faces, participated the February program to help distribute the free lunch meals to over 250 people.

LLCS has been supplying hot meals to the homeless and the impoverished once a month at the Oppenheimer Park since 2015, when the project was initiated by LLCS President Master Vajra Lian Tzi. More than 6000 impoverished in our community have enjoyed the free lunch meals for the past two years. This now popular program among the community could not have happened and continued, without our compassionate sponsors.

The Charity’s “Hot Meals for the Homeless” program will continue once a month at the Oppenheimer Park throughout 2017. We welcome donations of any amount to support the lives of our impoverished fellow residents. Donations can be made via PayPal or credit card at our website. Your donation is much appreciated and needed to help us continue offering this widely appreciated program in the community. For more details, feel free to email us at, or call us at 604-685-5548.

(Vancouver Lotus Light Charity Society is a non-profit organization registered with the Government of Canada, registration number: BN14110-4893-RR0001. A tax receipt will be issued for donation amounts that are $20 or over)

Sponsor LLCS Meals for the Homeless Program today!

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