Community Caring Drive Food Recovery

LLCS Food Recovery Program Supports Community Kitchens and Vulnerable Groups in the Downtown Eastside

LLCS Food Recovery Program Supports Community Kitchens and Vulnerable Groups in the Downtown Eastside

Since mid-September of this year, Lotus Light Charity Society’s Food Recovery Program has been supporting the Downtown East Side Community Kitchens, and Lotus Light has also donated over 2,500 pounds of food to help the vulnerable populations in DTES community.

Chief Evan Reeks, Director of Food Donations for Downtown East Side Community Kitchens, sent a thank you letter to Master Lian Tzi, President of Lotus Light Charity Society:

Dear Master Lian Tzi,

I am writing to you today to thank you for all the wonderful food donations.

Our organization has been using your wonderful gifts in many ways including Tennant Overdose Response Organization Grocery Hampers, Watari Latinx Grocery Hampers, Indigenous Elders Grocery Hampers, as well as available food for various safe drug consumption sites.

So far, we are receiving donations from your organization 2 days a week, and it is making a huge impact. Gifts of bread, meat, and produce go towards our twice weekly BBQ events. These events are held at 99 West Pender OPS, and 161 East Cordova Smoke Signals BBQ. This allows us to give healthy fresh cooked food on these days every week.

I would like to send the many thanks of OPS, Smoke Signals, Watari, SRO-C, Dudes Club, Chinese Grocery Hamper Program, TOROs, Heart Tattoo Society, and of course myself. We appreciate the donations Master, and we are excited for a relationship to last years.


Chief Even Reeks
Managing Director Heart Tattoo Society
Director of Food Donations Downtown East Side Community Kitchens

Lotus Light’s Food Recovery Program partners with,, and many food warehouse and manufacturers to rescue thousands pounds of valuable food otherwise destined for landfills, and distributes the food to charities helping low-income families and people in need. 

Lotus Light sincerely appreciates the support from all of our generous corporate sponsors and partners. We are seeking volunteers to join our charity programs to help the most vulnerable in the DTES community. For more information on Lotus Light’s various charity programs, please contact us by email at, telephone at 604-685-5548, or our website at  Lotus Light Charity Society registered number:  BN 14110-4893-RR0001.

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