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Children Community Caring Drive

Lotus Light Delivers Thanksgiving Food Hampers for Students of Inner-City Schools

Lotus Light Delivers Thanksgiving Food Hampers for Students of Inner-City Schools

With schools now back in session, low-income families have also returned to schools’ student assistance programs for social support.

Lotus Light Charity Society has responded by organizing volunteers to pack and distribute 300 hampers full of tuna pouches, cereal cups, gravy and stuffing, spaghetti, instant rice, hand soap, and hand sanitizer. These were delivered just before the Thanksgiving holiday to inner-city school students at Britannia, Thunderbird, Lord Strathcona, Xpey’, and Chief Maquinna Elementary Schools.

For many years, Lotus Light has run a food support program to help low-income students and their families. Each week, LLCS donates over 100 pounds of nonperishable foods to support the Strathcona Community Centre’s Backpack Program. Furthermore, since 2014 Lotus Light has donated over 20,000 pounds of food to Strathcona Elementary and other inner-city schools’ student food programs.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, Lotus Light took action to help low-income students and their families by donating over 1,700 hampers with food and essential goods: fresh produce, fruit, pasta, tuna, cereal, chocolates, cookies, personal hygiene items, soap, detergent, toothpaste, masks, and stationery.

Lotus Light Charity Society’s hamper program for inner-city schools has been warmly welcomed, and we have received many messages of appreciation.

“We have approximately 100 families in need, [and] we will gladly accept as many hampers as you are able to give,” wrote Claudia Bevacqua, Coordinator at Lord Strathcona Elementary School. “Thank you for your generosity.”

“We would love the hampers,” wrote Marlee Cultum, Coordinator at Xpey’ Elementary School. “Thank you so much.”

“That is AWESOME and we are so grateful for your support for our neediest families,” wrote Janey Lee, teacher at Thunderbird Elementary School.

LLCS, through its Covid-19 Community Caring Drive, will continue partnering with generous corporate sponsors and donors, food warehouses, local food assistance groups, and food distribution hubs to distribute much-needed food as well as personal protection equipment to help people in need.

We are seeking volunteers to join our charity programs to help the most vulnerable in the DTES community. For more information on various Lotus Light’s charity programs, please contact us by email at, telephone at 604-685-5548, or our website at  Lotus Light Charity Society registered number:  BN 14110-4893-RR0001.

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