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Community Caring Drive

LLCS Covid-19 Relief Drive team up with Second Harvest and Chefs Ware House Organize 40,000 lbs Food Distributions before Thanksgiving

Lotus Light Charity Society (Vancouver) partners with Second Harvest, Canada’s largest food rescue charity, to distribute nutritious surplus food to vulnerable resident affected by Covid-19, thanks to the federal government’s Surplus Food Rescue Program, a $50-million federal initiative designed to address urgent, high volume, highly perishable surplus products falling under fruit, vegetables, meat and fish and seafood. These surpluses were created because the COVID-19 pandemic largely shut down the restaurant and hospitality industry, leaving many producers without a key market for their food commodities.

The first batch distribution of the much needed food is held in the parking lot of the Pink Pearl Chinese Restaurant (1132 East Hastings St, Van) this Thursday, October 8, 2020 @ 12:30pm. The food sponsored by Second Harvest including Parsley Omelette, Spinach Quiche, Chess Egg Bites, Shrimps, Chicken Leg Quarter and French Fries. Constable Jose, Constable Bryon and about 40 volunteers from CPCs of Strathcona, Collingwood, Grandview Woodland, Chinatown & Kerrisdale Oakridge Marpole and Vancouver Aboriginal have been busy all day to unload and distribute the 2000 cases of nutrient food to low income families at East Vancouver and to families and seniors residents services organization including Collingwood Neighbourhood House, Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, Maywah Chinese Seniors SRO, Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House, Musqueam Natives Reserve, South Vancouver Neighbourhood House, and DTES SRO Collective. A second batch of the distribution of Second Harvest donation will be held next week.

The logistics of LLCS food distribution event is very much appreciated by Lisa Werring, Head of Operations – BC & Yukon of Second Harvest, who said: “Lotus Light’s distribution of 48 pallets to so many emergency groups and recipients is enormously helpful to assist with our complex logistics.”

“We are glad to be able to help those in need in our community, to bring nutrient food to their holiday tables, thanks to the federal government and second harvest providing this much needed foods.” said Master Lian Tzi, president of Lotus Light Charity Society.

On Oct 8, Lotus Light also has organized a second distribution in Coquitlam to Tri-city Moms Group and Immigrant Link Centre Society ( to help single moms, low-income families/school programs, immigrants, seniors, and homeless. Thanks to the Chefs Warehouse sponsoring the donation of butter tart shells, burger buns, pepperoni slices, quinoa, fettucine, potato nuggets, croissants, miscellaneous and orange juice. The combined distribution on Oct 8 totals 40,000 lbs of nutrient foods.

LLCS Covid-19 Community Caring Drive is accepting monetary and in-kind donations from individuals and corporate sponsors. Please make cheque payable to “Lotus Light Charity Society” and mail to: Lotus Light Charity Society, 200-357 E. Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V6A 1P3, or donate online by Visa or MasterCard, on LLCS website: Please contact the Lotus Light Charity Society: Tel 604-685-5548 or by email to Lotus Light Charity Society is a registered charity (BN 14110-4893-RR0001). Thank you for your continue support during the pandemic!


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